
This document will explain how to install Buzio and use it in your projects.

Installing Buzio

Install Buzio using the command:

$ pip install buzio

Importing the Library

from buzio import console, formatStr

The console is a instance of the Console class initialized with default color themes. You can also import the class and instantiate with your own settings (See the :doc:reference for more info)

The formatStr is also a instance of the Console class too, but instead of printing in terminal the message, this instance just return the formatted text.


>>> from buzio import console, formatStr
>>> ret = console.ask("What is the sum of 2+2?")
What is the sum of 2+2? : 4
>>> print(ret)
>>> ret = formatStr.ask("What is the sum of 2+2")
>>> print(ret)
['\x1b[33mWhat is the sum of 2+2 \x1b[0m']

The Output styles

Use the following styles to print your data:

Method Text Color Show Prefix
console.box Fore.CYAN No
console.error Fore.RED Yes
console.info Fore.CYAN Yes
console.section Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX No
console.success Fore.GREEN Yes
console.warning Fore.YELLOW Yes

The Text Color objects are based in colorama settings. Please check colorama documentation for all available constants and the Buzio Package Reference for create your own styles.

The Show Prefix column tells if the text to be printed will be the section name append in in. For example, console.sucess("Operation Complete") will be printed as:

$ Success: Operation Complete

You can control this behavior with the use_prefix paramenter. For example: console.info("Starting download...", use_prefix=False)` will print:

$ Starting download...

Transforming text

You can use the transform to format text:

>>> console.warning("Hello World", transform="upper")
>>> console.warning("Hello World", transform="breakline")
Hello World
>>> console.warning("Hello World", transform="upper linebreak")
>>> console.warning(["Hello", "World"], transform="breakline")

Current options for transform are:

  • upper: UPPERTEXT
  • small: lowertext
  • title: Titletext
  • center: horizontal centering text in terminal
  • breakline: Break lines in text
  • bold: Apply Style.BRIGHT effect in text
  • show_counters: Add counters to text: 1) Hello 2) World (only for dicts and lists)

The Input styles

Use the following styles to print your input data questions:

Method Text Color Use Default Custom Question Can Validate
console.ask Fore.YELLOW Yes N/A Yes
console.choose Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX Yes Yes No
console.confirm Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX Yes No No
console.select Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX Yes Yes No

The Text Color objects are based in colorama settings. Please check colorama source code for all available constants and the Buzio Package Reference for create your own styles.

The Use Default means you can pass a default value for answer. This can be a python object too. Example: console.ask("What is the sum of 2+2?", default=4)

The Custom Question means you can pass a custom question for the command. Example: console.choose(my_list, question="What's your prefered fruit?")

The Can Validate means you can pass a callable object, so Buzio can validate the prompt answer before return the value to your code. Example: console.ask("What is the sum of 2+2?", default=4, validator=check_sum)

Returning data

Data returned from input styles are:

  • console.ask: string typed.
  • console.choose: the python object selected from original list
  • console.confirm: boolean
  • console.select: the index for the select object in original list

Special Commands

Use the console.clear method to clear the terminal.

Use the console.progress to generate a animated progress bar.

Use the console.run method to run terminal commands. The return data will be a boolean (if task was succeded) or the capture stdout from command (use get_stdout=True). Please check Buzio Package Reference page for all options.

>>> console.run("lsb_release -a", get_stdout=True)
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 17.10
Release:    17.10
Codename:   artful

Use the console.slugify to generate a slug version from text:

.. code-block:: python
>>> console.slugify("Hello World")

Use the console.unitext to convert text to ascii:

.. code-block:: python
>>> console.unitext("São Paulo")
Sao Paulo